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Newsletter Archive
View all of our past news letters as a PDF in our archive.
▸Vol. 27 | No. 1 | Winter 2022
The Fraser River Estuary has gifted our agricultural sector with nutrient-rich, fertile soil that allows blueberries to become a local commodity. Due to the abundance of wildlife found in the estuary, the surrounding soil secures nutrients from the decay generated by deceased plants and animals. But as the estuary’s ecosystem continues to be threatened, and looming dangers of food insecurity become more present, one question remains: “how can we ensure the blueberry’s future is one of exceptional quality?.” (download here).
▸Vol. 26 | No. 2 | Summer 2021
A look at nature-based solutions being promoted to mitigate climate change and other environmental issues; research results from a recent University of British Columbia study that examined the impact of winter cover crops, grassland set-asides, and hedgerows on soil organic matter; and findings from DF&WT vegetation surveys of cover crop fields (download here).
▸Vol. 26 | No. 1 | Winter 2021
Recap of DF&WT 2020 accomplishments; article by DF&WT's field technician on the impact of climate change and sea-level rise; and results from a study conducted by UBC that examined changes in organic matter in soils across the Fraser Valley over the last three decades (download here).
▸Vol. 25 | No. 2 | Summer 2020
UBC MSc student- Carly McGregor- discusses a new multi-year project examining the impact of natural habitats on insect communities and crop yields; DF&WT's long-term partnership with the University of British Columbia; and BCIT intern- Sara Yeomans- discusses her summer internship project that is assessing the impact of cattle grazing on set-asides (download here).
▸Vol. 25 | No. 1 | January 2020
Milestone for Hedgerow Stewardship Program; Investment Agriculture Foundation Grassland Set-aside Project; New Research Project on Beneficial Insects; Computer Animator Turned Field Technician; and 2019 Day at the Farm - A Community Volunteer's Perspective (download here).
▸Vol. 24 | No. 3 | July 2019
Local Farmers are Doing Their Part to Mitigate Climate Change; Field Margin Habitat for Beneficial Insects; Hunters and Farmland Stewardship; 2019 Summer Solstice BBQ; and New Cost-share Rate for Grassland Set-aside Program (download here).
▸Vol. 24 | No. 2 | January 2019
2018 - Year in Review; Spilling the Beans about Spilled Grain Fields; Waterfowl Surveys Update; Home-grown Heron Habitat; and New DF&WT Director - Liz Walker (download here).
▸Vol. 24 | No. 1 | July 2018
25 Years of Farmland and Wildlife Conservation; Hedgerows - An Agricultural Investment (references available here); and Forage Enhancement Pilot Program - Supporting Dairy Farmers & Wildlife (download here).
▸Vol. 23 | No. 2 | January 2018
Lessons from the DFWT; IAF GLSA Project Update; The value of field margins for wild bee conservation; and Update of 2017/18 waterfowl surveys (download here)
▸Vol. 23 | No. 1 | August 2017
Recap of 2016; New DF&WT Chair; Benefits of buying local; and BCIT FWR 2016/17 Waterfowl Surveys (download here)
▸Vol. 22 | No. 2 | December 2016
New DF&WT Program Manager; Day at the Farm Wrap-up; and Summer Songbird Surveys with BCIT (download here)
▸Vol. 21 | No. 1 | July 2015
DF&WT-UBC Soil Evaluation; Bryanna Thiel's Hedgerow Research Results; 10th Anniversary "Day at the Farm" 2015 (download here)
▸Vol. 18 | No. 2 | December 2013
Barn Swallows in Grassland Set-asides; Nutrient Management in Delta; and Dru Yates' GLSA Research (download here)
▸Vol. 18 | No. 1 | July 2012
The True Cost of Food; Interview with Noel Roddick; Wildlife Research Updates; and Visit from UK Farmer (download here)
▸Vol. 16 | No. 2 | December 2010
Crop Harvest Woes; Benefits of Clover Cover Crops; Greenfields Bulletin; and Meadowlarks (download here)
▸Vol. 15 | No. 1 | July 2009
Short-eared Owls; Day at the Farm; National Wildlife Areas; UBC Agroecology Students; GIS Student Work Experience; and Stripe Rust and Winter Wheat (download here)
▸Vol. 13 | No. 1 | July 2007
Message from DF&WT Chair; Greenfields Bulletin; Urban Forest Planting; Day at the Farm; and Snow Geese from the Air (download here)
▸Vol. 16 | No. 2 | December 2010
Crop Harvest Woes; Benefits of Clover Cover Crops; Greenfields Bulletin; and Meadowlarks (download here)
How Can You Help?
Your donation will work towards conserving important farmland and wildlife resources contained in the Fraser River delta.