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Program Applications are Open

Applications for the Cover Crop, Blueberry Rest Cover Crop, and Cereal Enhancement program are now open.

Applications are first come, first served so apply now!

Day at the Farm 2024

Thank you to everyone who came out to DATF, we hope you enjoyed yourselves as much as we did!

Thank you to our sponsors and volunteers that made this event possible.

Monitoring Bats in Delta's Farmland

Learn more about how we monitor for bats in farmland and hear the calls of our local species!

Practical Benefits of Cover Crops

Learn more about the economic and ecological benefits of cover crops

Tracking Snow Geese by sound

Read our new blog post about a trial project we've started to monitor Snow Goose movements on farmland by their calls

Taking Cover for Winter: How to Protect Farm Soil

Interested in learning more about the DF&WT Winter Cover Crop Program?

Check out our new blog post

At DFWT, we help farmers create sustainable solutions that reach beyond the fields.

Productive local farmland. Healthy, diverse ecosystems. Wildlife habitat on farms.

At Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust (DFWT), we work with farmers to address two of today’s most pressing environmental issues: food security and disappearing wildlife habitat.

Our programs, research and cost-sharing initiatives help farmers in the Fraser River delta and the Fraser Valley:

  • Improve their soil health and crop yields through sustainable farming practices
  • Preserve and create wildlife habitat on farms

The importance of conserving local farmland

Both farmland and wildlife are under pressure from increasing urbanization and industrialization. Farmland in the Fraser River Estuary has become expensive and scarce, and – in the face of challenges such as changing climate patterns – farmers are under more pressure than ever to increase their land’s productivity and ensure its

economic viability.

The Fraser River delta and the Fraser Valley have some of the most productive farmland in BC, producing vegetables, berries, dairy products, poultry, and more. Delta farmers produce more than 50% of the potatoes consumed in BC, and the Fraser Valley generates the largest annual farm receipts of any regional district in BC. Farmland for food production is essential. Local farms – both large and small – reduce our reliance on imports, support local economies, and reduce the environmental footprint of the food on our tables. Sustainably managed farms also produce ecosystem services that benefit us all, from carbon storage, to the clean air and water provided by plant life.

Scientific Resources

Research is a necessary component of the work we do at DF&WT as we are constantly innovating our programs to optimize the impact they have on soil health and wildlife habitat.

Our Field Technician is actively monitoring the quantity of wildlife impacted by our stewardship programs. DF&WT also collaborates with local academic institutions to deliver up-to-date research on the effectiveness of natural systems installed on agricultural fields.

Current Research Projects

  • Monitoring herons, raptors, and owls in our Grassland Set-asides
  • Evaluating the impacts of our Winter Cover Crops
  • Evaluating waterfowl by field type

Upcoming Research Projects

  • Monitoring bats in our Grassland Set-asides
  • Monitoring breeding birds in our Grassland Set-asides

Upcoming Events

Day At The Farm

Every September 4,000-5,000 residents from across Metro Vancouver come out to our fun-filled event to learn all about the inner workings of local agricultural practices.


Check back later for more events!

In Gratitude To Our Sponsors & Supporters