Research Projects

Learn all about Delta Farmland and Wildlife Trust's active research projects

Foraging Waterfowl Tracker

Help us keep track of waterfowl activity in the Delta region by submitting a sighting of geese and ducks to our Waterfowl Tracker form.

You can also explore waterfowl activity on our interactive map, which is powered by citizen observations. Please note this information has a delay of 1 day.

Image of snow geese on a field in Delta

Snow Goose ARU Project

To enhance our monitoring efforts, we set up a network of 12 audio recorders in Delta and Richmond. These autonomous recording units, or “ARUs,” can record audio 24 hours a day. Pairing the recordings with software to identify bird calls will provide additional information on how and why Snow Geese move throughout the region.

Research on Cover Crop Fields

Each year DFWT staff conduct winter surveys of cover crop fields to assess the presence of waterfowl on enrolled acres. Vegetation surveys are conducted to track how extensive grazing pressure is across the region. A report is prepared each spring highlighting results.

Research on Grassland Set-aside Fields

Delta Farmland - Field Technician at Work

Annual winter surveys are conducted by staff on GLSA fields to document their use by raptors and Great Blue Herons. Results are compiled each spring and shared through the link below.

We also monitor these spaces in the spring to understand how grassland breeding birds use GLSAs.

On- Farm Research

This collaboration on on-farm research is an important approach to sustainable agriculture and biodiversity conservation.

Learn more about the practice of implementing sunflower margins or fields within agricultural landscapes and how they can help soil health and pollinator abundance.

Academic Research Partnerships

We partner with Universities and Colleagues to explore new and emerging ideas surrounding soil health and on-farm biodiversity.

Current projects:

  1. The use of hedgerows by migrating birds (CWS)
  2. Nesting bumblebees in GLSAs (UBC)

Click the link below for more information on current and past studies.